Post by yoora501 on Sept 27, 2010 2:13:59 GMT 9
Translated by ODE:
어제는농구시합에..밤새고아침에야구시합에..집에와서잠들고밤에일어났더니잠이안와ㅠㅠ몸은쑤시고..젠장 ㅠㅠ @2010-09-26, 5: 39 AM English: Had a basketball game until late night yesterday (Sep 24)..and then another baseball game in the early morning (Sep 25)..Came back home and went to sleep, woke up at night, and now - I can't sleep ㅠㅠ
@woosangil 형이방금전화했었나요?나폰이망가져서 임시폰이라 번호가저장이안되있어요 ㅋ @2010-09-26, 9:06 AM English: @woosangil Hyung did you call me just now? My phone was dead already so I'm using a temporary phone, it cannot save phone numbers k
. @zerotic0124 볼링도해야죠 ㅋㅋ이겨주겠어~~ @2010-09-26, 9:07 AM English: @zerotic0124 Yeah gotta go for bowling too right kk, Gonna win~~
@2kjdream 삼진아웃됐다ㅡㅡ야구신동은무신... @2010-09-26, 3:48 PM English: Got 3 strikesㅡㅡ What baseball wonderboy again...
(with regards to @2kjdream asking how was his baseball & saying he's one wonderboy) . @actor_ParkJiBin 응ㅋㅋ너도놀러오게?? @2010-09-26, 5:45 PM English: @actor_ParkJiBin Eung kk, will you be coming to play??
(@actor_ParkJiBin asks if he's gonna play with Seo Jisuk gun) @2kjdream 지금전에쓰던걸로번호옴겨서쓰구있어 ㅋㅋ트위터는아이팟으로~~ @2010-09-26, 5:47 PM English: @2kjdream I moved my number and writes all these from before and now kk, for Twitter I use i-Pad~~
@woosangil 어제잠들어버렸어요 ㅋㅋ 이거이상하게자꾸하게되요 ㅋㅋ은근중독성~~ @2010-09-26, 6:25 PM English: @woosangil I went dozing yesterday and lost myself in dreams kk, I keep finding this weird kk, peculiar addiction~~
(@woosangil says he thinks Twitter is tooo addicting, he can just hold a phone for the entire day doing nothing) @actor_ParkJiBin 시합있을때가지~~ㅋㅋ @2010-09-26, 9:51 PM English: @actor_ParkJiBin I'll go only when there are matches~~ kk
(@actor_ParkJiBin asks if he goes all the time,or not)