Post by yoora501 on Sept 30, 2010 5:00:13 GMT 9
Translated by ODE
@zerotic0124 팔도!!!!
@2010-09-28, 3:43 PM
English: @zerotic0124 Paldo!!!!
(Paldo Bibim noodles, a type of meal noodle)
@actor_ParkJiBin @2kjdream 야!형진이형이나이가몇인데!!!난아저씨에서빼줘야지!!!ㅋㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 3:45 PM
English: @actor_ParkJiBin @2kjdream Ya! How old is Hyungjin hyung!!! If that's the case I should not even be called Ahjussi (uncle) don't you think!!! kkk
@kkangjii 너자꾸일본어해ㅡㅡ오빠가한자는읽을줄몰라ㅠㅠ
@2010-09-28, 3:46 PM
English: @kkangjii You keep typing in Japanese ㅡㅡ Oppa doesn't know how to read Hanjaㅠㅠ
@hyeongjin2 아저씨!!트윗에빠지솄세여~~ㅋㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 3:47 PM
English: @hyeongjin2 Ajussi!! Seems like you've fallen hard for Twitter a~~kkk
@hyeongjin2 @woosangil 대박ㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 3:48 PM
English: @hyeongjin2 @woosangil Daebak kk
@2kjdream 베벵~~베벵일본갔엉~~ㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 3:53 PM
English: @2kjdream Bebeng~~Bebeng went to Japan~~kk
@2kjdream 영화촬영하러~~ㅋㅋ상은이영화배우되는겨~그리구나폰고쳤음ㅋ갤S가좋구나라구처음느꼈다ㅋ
@2010-09-28, 4:56 PM
English: @2kjdream For movie shooting~~kk, Seems like Sang-eun had transformed into a movie actor already~ Also I repaired my phone too k, and for the first time I really kinda liked Galaxy S k
@zerotic0124 ㅋㅋ콜!!!!!
@2010-09-28, 4:57 PM
English: @zerotic0124 kk Call!!!!!
@kkangjii 좋겠다~~그때빨리늘더라~~ㅋ나도일어배워야하는데..ㅠ니가더공부해서오빠좀갈켜주라~~^^
@2010-09-28, 4:58 PM
English: @kkangjii Great~~ Hope that day arrives faster~~k, seems like I've gotta brush up on Japanese, too..ㅠ You study more and shall guide oppa me with a little~~^^
@2kjdream 일본이나또갈까?ㅋ
@2010-09-28, 5:16 PM
English: @2kjdream Shall we go again to Japan?k
@zerotic0124 ㅡㅡ
@2010-09-28, 5:17 PM
English: @zerotic0124 ㅡㅡ
(@zerotic0124 boos him...why does everyone make fun of him?^^)
@woosangil 네~~상은이일본갔어요ㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 6:20 PM
English: @woosangil Ne~~Sang-eun went to Japan kk
@woosangil 저는고민중이에요ㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 11:13 PM
English: @woosangil I'm in much worry kk
@woongcha1 안그래도뮤비준비하고있어요ㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 11:14 PM
English: @woongcha1 Even if it won't be (shown during festivals) I'm still indeed preparing for a movie kk
@zerotic0124 팔도!!!!
@2010-09-28, 3:43 PM
English: @zerotic0124 Paldo!!!!
(Paldo Bibim noodles, a type of meal noodle)
@actor_ParkJiBin @2kjdream 야!형진이형이나이가몇인데!!!난아저씨에서빼줘야지!!!ㅋㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 3:45 PM
English: @actor_ParkJiBin @2kjdream Ya! How old is Hyungjin hyung!!! If that's the case I should not even be called Ahjussi (uncle) don't you think!!! kkk
@kkangjii 너자꾸일본어해ㅡㅡ오빠가한자는읽을줄몰라ㅠㅠ
@2010-09-28, 3:46 PM
English: @kkangjii You keep typing in Japanese ㅡㅡ Oppa doesn't know how to read Hanjaㅠㅠ
@hyeongjin2 아저씨!!트윗에빠지솄세여~~ㅋㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 3:47 PM
English: @hyeongjin2 Ajussi!! Seems like you've fallen hard for Twitter a~~kkk
@hyeongjin2 @woosangil 대박ㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 3:48 PM
English: @hyeongjin2 @woosangil Daebak kk
@2kjdream 베벵~~베벵일본갔엉~~ㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 3:53 PM
English: @2kjdream Bebeng~~Bebeng went to Japan~~kk
@2kjdream 영화촬영하러~~ㅋㅋ상은이영화배우되는겨~그리구나폰고쳤음ㅋ갤S가좋구나라구처음느꼈다ㅋ
@2010-09-28, 4:56 PM
English: @2kjdream For movie shooting~~kk, Seems like Sang-eun had transformed into a movie actor already~ Also I repaired my phone too k, and for the first time I really kinda liked Galaxy S k
@zerotic0124 ㅋㅋ콜!!!!!
@2010-09-28, 4:57 PM
English: @zerotic0124 kk Call!!!!!
@kkangjii 좋겠다~~그때빨리늘더라~~ㅋ나도일어배워야하는데..ㅠ니가더공부해서오빠좀갈켜주라~~^^
@2010-09-28, 4:58 PM
English: @kkangjii Great~~ Hope that day arrives faster~~k, seems like I've gotta brush up on Japanese, too..ㅠ You study more and shall guide oppa me with a little~~^^
@2kjdream 일본이나또갈까?ㅋ
@2010-09-28, 5:16 PM
English: @2kjdream Shall we go again to Japan?k
@zerotic0124 ㅡㅡ
@2010-09-28, 5:17 PM
English: @zerotic0124 ㅡㅡ
(@zerotic0124 boos him...why does everyone make fun of him?^^)
@woosangil 네~~상은이일본갔어요ㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 6:20 PM
English: @woosangil Ne~~Sang-eun went to Japan kk
@woosangil 저는고민중이에요ㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 11:13 PM
English: @woosangil I'm in much worry kk
@woongcha1 안그래도뮤비준비하고있어요ㅋㅋ
@2010-09-28, 11:14 PM
English: @woongcha1 Even if it won't be (shown during festivals) I'm still indeed preparing for a movie kk