Post by yoora501 on Nov 8, 2010 6:00:13 GMT 9
@zerotic0124 푸하하하하하하하
@2010-10-14, 5:20 AM
English: @zerotic0124 Puhahahahahaha
@soie2e ㅡㅡ왜?
@2010-10-14, 5:32 AM
English: @soie2e ㅡㅡ Why?
1. @zerotic0124 풉..
@2010-10-14, 5:39 AM
English: @zerotic0124 Poop..
(@zerotic0124 asks him if he looks handsome or not with his new picture)
(disgusted type of joke)
@soie2e 안녕하시지~ㅋㅋ넌또술먹었어?
@2010-10-14, 5:52 AM
English: @soie2e Your saying of hello right~ kk, did you drink (alcohol) again?
@soie2e 그렇구나~난그냥집에서뒹굴뒹굴~배고파ㅠ
@2010-10-14, 6:02 AM
English: @soie2e I see~ For me I'm just lying at home rolling & scrapping here and there~ Hungry ㅠ
@soie2e 살쪄~~안돼ㅠ언능자야지ㅋ
@2010-10-14, 6:10 AM
English: @soie2e On diet~~ Cannot ㅠ Gotta go to sleep soon k
(you're on diet, too comforrtable, is it not??)
(@soie2e tells him to eat something then since he doesn't sleep)
133. @woosangil @2kjdream 화이팅~~모두부~자되셔용~~^^
@2010-10-14, 3:06 PM
English: @woosangil @2kjdream Hwaiting~~ Since all of us will turn into milli~onaires very soon~~^^
134. @woosangil 여긴어디에요?ㅋ
@2010-10-21, 4:31 PM
English: @woosangil Where's this place?k
135. @steven_Lee_ 와우~~ㅋ티비꼭봐야겠네~
@2010-10-30, 8:03 PM
English: @steven_Lee_ Woow~~k gotta tune in to the TV for sure then~
136. @2kjdream 넌어디간거냐?
@2010-10-30, 8:04 PM
English: @2kjdream Where ya' went?
aquarium/underwater world?? anyway, the SUDAL wind blew @mystyle1103 from his planet onto Earth, once more)
137. @woosangil ㅋㅋ오랜만이죠~~요즘트위터를자주안해서ㅠㅠ사업하는거대박나야죠!!ㅋ그리고얻어먹어야쥐~
@2010-10-30, 9:19 PM
English: @woosangil kk it's been some time right~~ These days I don't really use Twitter often ㅠㅠ Gotta manage my business well to flourish with daebak don't you think!! k, and it's supposed to feed me back off~
138. @zakkykim 너무잘지내서문제죠ㅋ언제쯤에나볼수있을까요~~
@2010-10-30, 9:20 PM
English: @zakkykim Been very well these days, kinda a problem right k, so when will we be able to meet some time mm~~
139. @2kjdream 내맘속?ㅋㅋ수달귀엽지~천연기념물이자너~ㅋ
@2010-10-30, 9:21 PM
English: @2kjdream In my heart? kk, yeah the sudal's cute~ It's like a memorial statue of nature don't you think~ k
140. @sj861117sj 고맙구려~~ㅋ오늘아직뭐할지모르겠어ㅠ넌일본인가?
@2010-11-03, 6:38 PM
English: @sj861117sj Thank you yo~~ k, still don't know what to do for today thoughㅠ, are you in Japan?
141. @zerotic0124 하지만언제나나한테깨지는실력!!ㅋ
@2010-11-03, 9:30 PM
English: @zerotic0124 However those are skills whose record will be broken by me whenever wherever!! k
(@zerotic0124 twitted about his winning in football phone games, and so the birthday boy talks the above)
142. @steven_Lee_ Wow ~~우리가수영했던곳이다!!!
@2010-11-04, 6:36 PM
English: @steven_Lee_ Wow ~~ The place where we swam at!!!
143. @actor_ParkJiBin 니가쳤다고?ㅡㅡ
@2010-11-04, 6:38 PM
English: @actor_ParkJiBin You striked it perfect?ㅡㅡ
(@actor_ParkJiBin went bowling and striked 174 perfect)
144. @actor_ParkJiBin 형은선수지~~ㅋ
@2010-11-04, 6:54 PM
English: @actor_ParkJiBin Your hyung here is the bowling player, no~~ k
145. @steven_Lee_ 죽다가살아났어요ㅠㅠ
@2010-11-05, 4:31 PM
English: @steven_Lee_ Almost going to die away but survived still ㅠㅠ
@2010-10-14, 5:20 AM
English: @zerotic0124 Puhahahahahaha
@soie2e ㅡㅡ왜?
@2010-10-14, 5:32 AM
English: @soie2e ㅡㅡ Why?
1. @zerotic0124 풉..
@2010-10-14, 5:39 AM
English: @zerotic0124 Poop..
(@zerotic0124 asks him if he looks handsome or not with his new picture)
(disgusted type of joke)
@soie2e 안녕하시지~ㅋㅋ넌또술먹었어?
@2010-10-14, 5:52 AM
English: @soie2e Your saying of hello right~ kk, did you drink (alcohol) again?
@soie2e 그렇구나~난그냥집에서뒹굴뒹굴~배고파ㅠ
@2010-10-14, 6:02 AM
English: @soie2e I see~ For me I'm just lying at home rolling & scrapping here and there~ Hungry ㅠ
@soie2e 살쪄~~안돼ㅠ언능자야지ㅋ
@2010-10-14, 6:10 AM
English: @soie2e On diet~~ Cannot ㅠ Gotta go to sleep soon k
(you're on diet, too comforrtable, is it not??)
(@soie2e tells him to eat something then since he doesn't sleep)
133. @woosangil @2kjdream 화이팅~~모두부~자되셔용~~^^
@2010-10-14, 3:06 PM
English: @woosangil @2kjdream Hwaiting~~ Since all of us will turn into milli~onaires very soon~~^^
134. @woosangil 여긴어디에요?ㅋ
@2010-10-21, 4:31 PM
English: @woosangil Where's this place?k
135. @steven_Lee_ 와우~~ㅋ티비꼭봐야겠네~
@2010-10-30, 8:03 PM
English: @steven_Lee_ Woow~~k gotta tune in to the TV for sure then~
136. @2kjdream 넌어디간거냐?
@2010-10-30, 8:04 PM
English: @2kjdream Where ya' went?
aquarium/underwater world?? anyway, the SUDAL wind blew @mystyle1103 from his planet onto Earth, once more)
137. @woosangil ㅋㅋ오랜만이죠~~요즘트위터를자주안해서ㅠㅠ사업하는거대박나야죠!!ㅋ그리고얻어먹어야쥐~
@2010-10-30, 9:19 PM
English: @woosangil kk it's been some time right~~ These days I don't really use Twitter often ㅠㅠ Gotta manage my business well to flourish with daebak don't you think!! k, and it's supposed to feed me back off~
138. @zakkykim 너무잘지내서문제죠ㅋ언제쯤에나볼수있을까요~~
@2010-10-30, 9:20 PM
English: @zakkykim Been very well these days, kinda a problem right k, so when will we be able to meet some time mm~~
139. @2kjdream 내맘속?ㅋㅋ수달귀엽지~천연기념물이자너~ㅋ
@2010-10-30, 9:21 PM
English: @2kjdream In my heart? kk, yeah the sudal's cute~ It's like a memorial statue of nature don't you think~ k
140. @sj861117sj 고맙구려~~ㅋ오늘아직뭐할지모르겠어ㅠ넌일본인가?
@2010-11-03, 6:38 PM
English: @sj861117sj Thank you yo~~ k, still don't know what to do for today thoughㅠ, are you in Japan?
141. @zerotic0124 하지만언제나나한테깨지는실력!!ㅋ
@2010-11-03, 9:30 PM
English: @zerotic0124 However those are skills whose record will be broken by me whenever wherever!! k
(@zerotic0124 twitted about his winning in football phone games, and so the birthday boy talks the above)
142. @steven_Lee_ Wow ~~우리가수영했던곳이다!!!
@2010-11-04, 6:36 PM
English: @steven_Lee_ Wow ~~ The place where we swam at!!!
143. @actor_ParkJiBin 니가쳤다고?ㅡㅡ
@2010-11-04, 6:38 PM
English: @actor_ParkJiBin You striked it perfect?ㅡㅡ
(@actor_ParkJiBin went bowling and striked 174 perfect)
144. @actor_ParkJiBin 형은선수지~~ㅋ
@2010-11-04, 6:54 PM
English: @actor_ParkJiBin Your hyung here is the bowling player, no~~ k
145. @steven_Lee_ 죽다가살아났어요ㅠㅠ
@2010-11-05, 4:31 PM
English: @steven_Lee_ Almost going to die away but survived still ㅠㅠ
Korean to English by ODE@