Post by words-that-stay on Jan 4, 2011 3:11:34 GMT 9
Credits to + + English translation courtesy of
‘SS501’ 울타리 벗고 홀로서기 힘찬 날갯짓
입력 2011-01-03 11:38
■ 토끼띠 나의 해! 첫 솔로앨범 발표 박정민
“올해 사주가 좋아요. ‘빵’ 터진대요. 원래 이렇게 잘 안 믿는데 사주도, 타로도 다 좋게 나오더라고요.”
2011년 신묘년은 그의 해다. 1987년생인 그는 토끼띠로 올해 거는 기대가 크다. 이미 지난해 연말부터 슬슬 시동을 걸었다. 일본에서 사진집 ‘프레젠트(Present)’를 발간하고 팬사인회 및 팬미팅을 열고 본격적인 솔로활동의 시작을 알렸다. 첫 솔로앨범은 오는 20일 발매한다. 그의 스케줄표에는 올 한해 해야 할 일이 빼곡히 적혀 있다. 그룹 ‘SS501’의 박정민(24)이 토끼띠스타 첫 주자로 홀로서기에 나서며 활발한 활동을 예고하고 있다.
작년말 급하게 새앨범 내려했지만
1만5천장 손해보고 뒤엎어 재녹음
쇼케이스 티켓오픈 14분만에 매진
“1월은 국내에서 앨범활동을 하고요, 2월 중순부터는 일본과 대만, 필리핀, 태국에서 해외투어가 계획돼 있어요. 4월에는 대만에서 드라마를 찍어요. 중간중간 생일이나 팬미팅으로 국내에 들어올 수도 있겠지만 거의 3개월은 드라마촬영에 신경을 쏟을 것 같아요. 그리고 5월에는 일본에서 앨범이 나오고요, 이어 중화권에서도 앨범활동을 시작할 예정이에요. 한반기쯤엔 다시 한국에 들어와 드라마촬영과 앨범을 발표할 거예요.”
쉴 틈이 없다. 그 스스로 자신을 ‘게으른 사람’이라고 지칭했지만 2011년은 게으름을 피울 여가가 없는 셈이다. 지난 5년간 자신을 지켜준 그룹 ‘SS501’이란 울타리가 더 이상 존재하지 않기 때문에 자신을 더욱 더 채찍질한다.
“처음에 저는 원하지 않았죠. 아마 저도 모르게 그룹 안에서 안락함을 누리고 싶었나봐요. 하지만 서로의 발전을 위해 각자의 길을 가게 돼 버렸으니 이것을 자기발전의 계기로 삼았으면 좋겠다는 생각을 했어요. 그냥 안주할 수 있었는데 ‘홀로서기’가 그 틀을 깨는 계기가 됐던 것 같아요.”
그래서인지 허투루 앨범을 낼 생각이 없다. 지난해 11월 급하게 준비해 디지털싱글로 첫 솔로앨범을 내려했지만 ‘연평도 사건’으로 2개월 미뤘다. 이렇게 된 김에 부족한 부분은 보완하고 곡을 더 싣고 싶어 미니앨범이나 정규앨범 형태로 낼 생각이다. 이미 찍어놓은 1만5000장 앨범은 손해를 보더라도 모두 엎었다.
“급하게 준비를 하느라 부족한 부분이 많았어요. 시간이 빠듯하니 스케줄도 못 나올 상황이었으니깐요. 어차피 이렇게 된 것 다시 시작했죠. ‘SS501’ 중 제일 처음 솔 앨범을 내는 거잖아요. 책임감을 느꼈죠. 다 엎고 재녹음에 마스터링도 다시 하고 뮤직비디오도 재편집했죠. 기대하셔도 좋을 거예요.”
앨범 참여도를 높였다. 앨범 콘셉트부터 뮤직비디오 아이디어까지 하나하나 세세히 챙겼다. 작사도 직접 했다.
“진솔함을 가장 많이 염두에 뒀어요. 중독성 있는 가사를 저도 즐겨 듣고 좋아하기도 하지만 메시지 있는 노래를 만들고 싶었죠. 타이틀곡 ‘낫 얼론(Not Alone)’은 소외된 이웃에 대한 이야기예요. 인기보다는 내가 이제 이만큼 성장했다는 것을 팬들에게 보여주고 싶었어요. 비주류 음악에 대중성을 적절히 가미하기도 했죠.”
그의 첫 행보에 관심이 뜨겁다. 오는 22일 열리는 첫 번째 쇼케이스 겸 팬미팅은 티켓이 오픈하자마자 14분 만에 매진됐다.
“올해부터 서른살까지 탄탄대로라고 했거든요. 지금부터 복 많이 들어오니깐 열심히 뛸 생각이에요. 정말 기대되는 한해예요.”
글 김지혜기자·사진 이효균기자
내가 자랑스러운 한해 됐으면
▶ 개인적인 바람
“이사를 했으면 좋겠어요. 올 2월에는 지금 사는 집이 계약이 끝나 이사를 해야 하거든요. 편안한 곳으로 갈까 생각 중이에요. 요즘은 도심보다는 외곽에서 사시는 분들도 많더라고요. 그리고 지난 연말 퇴직하신 어머니에게 작은 가게를 내주고 싶어요. 요리를 잘하셔서 음식점을 생각하고 있는데 카페 같은 것을 하고 싶어하시더라고요. 여하튼 우리 가족 모두 건강한 한해였으면 해요. 그리고 나 박정민도 좀더 팬들 가까이 다가가서 나를 모르시던 분들도 많이 아셨으면 좋겠어요. 아무래도 그동안은 그룹 속에 갇혀 있다보니 나를 내세우는 데 한계가 있었거든요. 내가 자랑스러워질 수 있는 한해가 됐으면 해요.”
입력 2011-01-03 11:38
■ 토끼띠 나의 해! 첫 솔로앨범 발표 박정민
“올해 사주가 좋아요. ‘빵’ 터진대요. 원래 이렇게 잘 안 믿는데 사주도, 타로도 다 좋게 나오더라고요.”
2011년 신묘년은 그의 해다. 1987년생인 그는 토끼띠로 올해 거는 기대가 크다. 이미 지난해 연말부터 슬슬 시동을 걸었다. 일본에서 사진집 ‘프레젠트(Present)’를 발간하고 팬사인회 및 팬미팅을 열고 본격적인 솔로활동의 시작을 알렸다. 첫 솔로앨범은 오는 20일 발매한다. 그의 스케줄표에는 올 한해 해야 할 일이 빼곡히 적혀 있다. 그룹 ‘SS501’의 박정민(24)이 토끼띠스타 첫 주자로 홀로서기에 나서며 활발한 활동을 예고하고 있다.
작년말 급하게 새앨범 내려했지만
1만5천장 손해보고 뒤엎어 재녹음
쇼케이스 티켓오픈 14분만에 매진
“1월은 국내에서 앨범활동을 하고요, 2월 중순부터는 일본과 대만, 필리핀, 태국에서 해외투어가 계획돼 있어요. 4월에는 대만에서 드라마를 찍어요. 중간중간 생일이나 팬미팅으로 국내에 들어올 수도 있겠지만 거의 3개월은 드라마촬영에 신경을 쏟을 것 같아요. 그리고 5월에는 일본에서 앨범이 나오고요, 이어 중화권에서도 앨범활동을 시작할 예정이에요. 한반기쯤엔 다시 한국에 들어와 드라마촬영과 앨범을 발표할 거예요.”
쉴 틈이 없다. 그 스스로 자신을 ‘게으른 사람’이라고 지칭했지만 2011년은 게으름을 피울 여가가 없는 셈이다. 지난 5년간 자신을 지켜준 그룹 ‘SS501’이란 울타리가 더 이상 존재하지 않기 때문에 자신을 더욱 더 채찍질한다.
“처음에 저는 원하지 않았죠. 아마 저도 모르게 그룹 안에서 안락함을 누리고 싶었나봐요. 하지만 서로의 발전을 위해 각자의 길을 가게 돼 버렸으니 이것을 자기발전의 계기로 삼았으면 좋겠다는 생각을 했어요. 그냥 안주할 수 있었는데 ‘홀로서기’가 그 틀을 깨는 계기가 됐던 것 같아요.”
그래서인지 허투루 앨범을 낼 생각이 없다. 지난해 11월 급하게 준비해 디지털싱글로 첫 솔로앨범을 내려했지만 ‘연평도 사건’으로 2개월 미뤘다. 이렇게 된 김에 부족한 부분은 보완하고 곡을 더 싣고 싶어 미니앨범이나 정규앨범 형태로 낼 생각이다. 이미 찍어놓은 1만5000장 앨범은 손해를 보더라도 모두 엎었다.
“급하게 준비를 하느라 부족한 부분이 많았어요. 시간이 빠듯하니 스케줄도 못 나올 상황이었으니깐요. 어차피 이렇게 된 것 다시 시작했죠. ‘SS501’ 중 제일 처음 솔 앨범을 내는 거잖아요. 책임감을 느꼈죠. 다 엎고 재녹음에 마스터링도 다시 하고 뮤직비디오도 재편집했죠. 기대하셔도 좋을 거예요.”
앨범 참여도를 높였다. 앨범 콘셉트부터 뮤직비디오 아이디어까지 하나하나 세세히 챙겼다. 작사도 직접 했다.
“진솔함을 가장 많이 염두에 뒀어요. 중독성 있는 가사를 저도 즐겨 듣고 좋아하기도 하지만 메시지 있는 노래를 만들고 싶었죠. 타이틀곡 ‘낫 얼론(Not Alone)’은 소외된 이웃에 대한 이야기예요. 인기보다는 내가 이제 이만큼 성장했다는 것을 팬들에게 보여주고 싶었어요. 비주류 음악에 대중성을 적절히 가미하기도 했죠.”
그의 첫 행보에 관심이 뜨겁다. 오는 22일 열리는 첫 번째 쇼케이스 겸 팬미팅은 티켓이 오픈하자마자 14분 만에 매진됐다.
“올해부터 서른살까지 탄탄대로라고 했거든요. 지금부터 복 많이 들어오니깐 열심히 뛸 생각이에요. 정말 기대되는 한해예요.”
글 김지혜기자·사진 이효균기자
내가 자랑스러운 한해 됐으면
▶ 개인적인 바람
“이사를 했으면 좋겠어요. 올 2월에는 지금 사는 집이 계약이 끝나 이사를 해야 하거든요. 편안한 곳으로 갈까 생각 중이에요. 요즘은 도심보다는 외곽에서 사시는 분들도 많더라고요. 그리고 지난 연말 퇴직하신 어머니에게 작은 가게를 내주고 싶어요. 요리를 잘하셔서 음식점을 생각하고 있는데 카페 같은 것을 하고 싶어하시더라고요. 여하튼 우리 가족 모두 건강한 한해였으면 해요. 그리고 나 박정민도 좀더 팬들 가까이 다가가서 나를 모르시던 분들도 많이 아셨으면 좋겠어요. 아무래도 그동안은 그룹 속에 갇혀 있다보니 나를 내세우는 데 한계가 있었거든요. 내가 자랑스러워질 수 있는 한해가 됐으면 해요.”
Breaks through his shelter and stands on his own feet
■Year of rabbit is my year!
Park Jungmin who releases his first solo album
“My tiger-fate* this year is pretty good. I broke into laughter though. I’m not one who believes much in such tiger-fate* or tarots, even if it may be something positive”.
2011 being the year of the Hare belongs to him. He who is born in 1987 has the zodiac of a Hare, which brings about huge anticipation along with him too. Beginning since last year end he’s already been slowly moving his way. He published his pictorial ‘Present’ in Japan and even had fansigns and fanmeetings as he made known the start of his solo activities. His first solo album will be released on the upcoming 20th. The amount of matters he has to do within this year is so densely written on his schedule planner. Group SS501′s Park Jungmin (24) is on his way to preview you with his soon-to-be active activities as the first solo Hare star.
▶New album too abruptly decided last year end
With a damage of about 15K, re-recording was done
Showcase tickets were sold out in just mere 14 minutes
“Will be doing my album activities in Korea in January. From mid-February onwards has been decided to carry out overseas tours in Japan and Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand. In April, I’ll be shooting my drama in Taiwan. Though I will also be making my visit back to Korea for fan meetings or birthday-wise, it seems like I’ll be spending about 3 months for drama shooting over there. Also in May, my album will be released in Japan. After this, it’s also expected that my album activities will be started in the greater China regions too. In the latter half of the year I’ll return to Korea again and prepare for album release and new drama”.
There’s no sight of a pause. He describes himself as a ‘lazy person’, but it just looks like the year of 2011 is not a year for him to enjoy that laziness. His group SS501 that acted as his shelter has had guarded by him for the past 5 years, and won’t be his shelter now, which is why he has to further self-motivate himself even more.
“I didn’t want it at first ya. Probably I didn’t know that I wanted to just enjoy within the group. But for the sake of each of our developments, we chose different individual paths. And to me, if I could consider this to be the momentum of my development, it’ll be really good. I could just really enjoy life though but now it seems like ‘standing on your own feet’ has turned into the momentum to break that comfortable edge already”.
Could it be that reason why he does not want to release a sloppy album. It was decided that his first solo album will be released in the form of a digital single where preparations for it was carried out since last November; however, it was inevitably delayed to February because of the ‘Yeonpyeong-do Incident’. Because of this, in order to make up for the insufficiency, he wanted to take in more songs, so he thought of changing it to a mini album or an official album form. The 15K album pieces that were already printed have all gone to waste, they have all gone into the drain.
“We were rushing out the preparations and all that so there were many areas that lacked. Time was so short and schedule couldn’t make way for that. Anyway this just turned out to start all over again. I’m the first in SS501 to release a solo album isn’t it. For sure I’ll feel responsibility and stress. After putting all the previous effort into the drain, we did re-recording and did re-mastering, and also re-edited the music video. It’s good to even expect from these”.
His album participation level is high. From the album concept to the music video idea, he’s tended to it all inside and out. Even as a lyrics composer.
“I bear in mind all the time about being frank and candid (in the lyrics). I do enjoy and like it as I listen to the song with addictive lyrics that I fill in for, but I also want to create a song with a message to deliver. Title song ‘Not Alone’ is about a story of being estranged. Rather than having the fame, I want to show to my fans about much of my having matured up to this stage. To aptly add some flavor of the mainstream group to some non-mainstream music”.
Response to his first activity is as feverish. His first showcase cum fanmeeting that will take place on the upcoming 22nd was sold out in just mere 14 minutes since its opening of tickets sales.
“Beginning this year onwards until my 30 years old, I will execute matters firmly and steadily as it is. I’m having lotsa luck coming onto my shoulders now, and so I will continue to sprint with all my might. This year is truly one year that I’m really anticipating after”.
▶Personal Hopes
“Hope to move though. My contract with the house will be up this coming February so I will have to move house then. I’m thinking if I should move to a comfortable place. I realized that there are many people who prefers to live in the outer circle of the city rather than in the city. I want to give my mother who retired just last year end a small store. She does cooking very well so she’s thinking of doing a small eatery business, or even a cafe or something like that. Whatever it may be, I just hope for it to be a healthy year for all my family members. And also for me Park Jungmin, I want to go closer to my fans and let more people know about me if they haven’t already. All these while I’ve been trapped within the group too much, there is a limit to how it limits me ne. I hope for it to be a year where I could feel proud for and of”.
*tiger-fate is making use of your place of birth, geography of birth, time of birth — year/month/day/min/second etc etc to predict your fortune. you know that kind…
■Year of rabbit is my year!
Park Jungmin who releases his first solo album
“My tiger-fate* this year is pretty good. I broke into laughter though. I’m not one who believes much in such tiger-fate* or tarots, even if it may be something positive”.
2011 being the year of the Hare belongs to him. He who is born in 1987 has the zodiac of a Hare, which brings about huge anticipation along with him too. Beginning since last year end he’s already been slowly moving his way. He published his pictorial ‘Present’ in Japan and even had fansigns and fanmeetings as he made known the start of his solo activities. His first solo album will be released on the upcoming 20th. The amount of matters he has to do within this year is so densely written on his schedule planner. Group SS501′s Park Jungmin (24) is on his way to preview you with his soon-to-be active activities as the first solo Hare star.
▶New album too abruptly decided last year end
With a damage of about 15K, re-recording was done
Showcase tickets were sold out in just mere 14 minutes
“Will be doing my album activities in Korea in January. From mid-February onwards has been decided to carry out overseas tours in Japan and Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand. In April, I’ll be shooting my drama in Taiwan. Though I will also be making my visit back to Korea for fan meetings or birthday-wise, it seems like I’ll be spending about 3 months for drama shooting over there. Also in May, my album will be released in Japan. After this, it’s also expected that my album activities will be started in the greater China regions too. In the latter half of the year I’ll return to Korea again and prepare for album release and new drama”.
There’s no sight of a pause. He describes himself as a ‘lazy person’, but it just looks like the year of 2011 is not a year for him to enjoy that laziness. His group SS501 that acted as his shelter has had guarded by him for the past 5 years, and won’t be his shelter now, which is why he has to further self-motivate himself even more.
“I didn’t want it at first ya. Probably I didn’t know that I wanted to just enjoy within the group. But for the sake of each of our developments, we chose different individual paths. And to me, if I could consider this to be the momentum of my development, it’ll be really good. I could just really enjoy life though but now it seems like ‘standing on your own feet’ has turned into the momentum to break that comfortable edge already”.
Could it be that reason why he does not want to release a sloppy album. It was decided that his first solo album will be released in the form of a digital single where preparations for it was carried out since last November; however, it was inevitably delayed to February because of the ‘Yeonpyeong-do Incident’. Because of this, in order to make up for the insufficiency, he wanted to take in more songs, so he thought of changing it to a mini album or an official album form. The 15K album pieces that were already printed have all gone to waste, they have all gone into the drain.
“We were rushing out the preparations and all that so there were many areas that lacked. Time was so short and schedule couldn’t make way for that. Anyway this just turned out to start all over again. I’m the first in SS501 to release a solo album isn’t it. For sure I’ll feel responsibility and stress. After putting all the previous effort into the drain, we did re-recording and did re-mastering, and also re-edited the music video. It’s good to even expect from these”.
His album participation level is high. From the album concept to the music video idea, he’s tended to it all inside and out. Even as a lyrics composer.
“I bear in mind all the time about being frank and candid (in the lyrics). I do enjoy and like it as I listen to the song with addictive lyrics that I fill in for, but I also want to create a song with a message to deliver. Title song ‘Not Alone’ is about a story of being estranged. Rather than having the fame, I want to show to my fans about much of my having matured up to this stage. To aptly add some flavor of the mainstream group to some non-mainstream music”.
Response to his first activity is as feverish. His first showcase cum fanmeeting that will take place on the upcoming 22nd was sold out in just mere 14 minutes since its opening of tickets sales.
“Beginning this year onwards until my 30 years old, I will execute matters firmly and steadily as it is. I’m having lotsa luck coming onto my shoulders now, and so I will continue to sprint with all my might. This year is truly one year that I’m really anticipating after”.
▶Personal Hopes
“Hope to move though. My contract with the house will be up this coming February so I will have to move house then. I’m thinking if I should move to a comfortable place. I realized that there are many people who prefers to live in the outer circle of the city rather than in the city. I want to give my mother who retired just last year end a small store. She does cooking very well so she’s thinking of doing a small eatery business, or even a cafe or something like that. Whatever it may be, I just hope for it to be a healthy year for all my family members. And also for me Park Jungmin, I want to go closer to my fans and let more people know about me if they haven’t already. All these while I’ve been trapped within the group too much, there is a limit to how it limits me ne. I hope for it to be a year where I could feel proud for and of”.
*tiger-fate is making use of your place of birth, geography of birth, time of birth — year/month/day/min/second etc etc to predict your fortune. you know that kind…